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You are here » Teacherovi's English Forum » Unusual » a day of surprises

a day of surprises

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Since I was little I had an obsession with traveling.I have always wanted to travel the the entire world,see new cultures and explore new places.My dream was to go to London because I was and still am obsessed with Harry Potter and british culture so my dad who is also a travel lover organised a trip to London for his birthday so I,of course,was very very excited.
The plane ride was very long,I had a terrible headache and I was placed in the worst way possible.There was a baby behind me,a baby in front of me and a baby besides me and they were all crying.Not even the music from my headphones could drown the sound of their cries but I survived somehow and we finally arrived.Even tho the ride was horrific It was completely worth it.London was beautiful and full of surprises.From the minute I arrived there I noticed the differences between Britain and Romania:people were considerably nicer,they were smiling more and very eager to have conversation,even with us,foreigners and it was much more rainy which was not a problem for me since I love rainy days.The day started off calmy,we arrived to our hotel and went  downtown right away.The buildings were different,very pretty,compared to the flats that cover out cities and people were of so many nationalities.I was in need of change and that was perfect.We went to a restaurant to eat before we went to the Harry Potter Studio Tour.We were enjoying our meal when a waiter came to our table with a cake that spelled”Happy Birthday”.We were both very surprised but very happy at the same time.They probably overheard into our conversation and they tought to bring us a cake.After we enjoyed our cake,we almost missed the bus to the Studio Tour but thankfully we couth it in the last moment.The Tour was amazing,everything I have dreamed for.I’ve seen the rooms where the movie was filmed and I even got to taste some Harry Potter food.When we were done we went back downtown and my dad thought that,since it was time for dusk,we should get some fish and cips and watch the sunset from the Lodon bridge.And so we did,until a seagull stole our food.But it’s okay.We laughed it off.Then,we went back to our hotel.
It was a day full of surprises and I almost didn’t want to leave but I had to.



bonjour! That was really a full day with a lot of unexpected surprises but it was interesting that all of these surprises happened in another country, which makes everything even more interesting. I'm happy that you could go to your favourite country and also had the opportunity to see those beautiful places that many people want to see and also I think it was even better that you were with a dear person, your dad, and you have made unforgettable memories together. In the future maybe you will travel more and you will discover other places that you like and in the meantime,there will be a lot of surprises, that will make your trip more interesting.



I wish I had such a full day when I was in London. I like the passion you express yourself with. I think that makes the story really personal. Also, it think that you not leaving the bad details out (such as the babies crying on the plane, which is very relatable to be honest) shows that imperfect days or holidays should never be ruined because of small details. I think you really focus on this when you talk about the seagull stealing your food and how it was only a funny experience.



This story is wonderful! You really are lucky! And we have some things in common too: I love to travel and I like rainy days. The story is funny and interesting. I really love it! And I know it's not my business, but I am really curious to know how much from the story is true or if the story is entirely true.



What a nice story! I am as well a travel lover. I do believe that the best way to grow is thru travel since it broadens the mind. I am glad that you finally went to London. It really is an incredible city. I hope that you will make your dream of travelling the world true.


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