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You are here » Teacherovi's English Forum » Everyday stuff » I realised I was such a fool

I realised I was such a fool

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It all started all back in the summer when i started to meet a lot of people and go out with a new group of friends. We were and still are like family we hung out a lot, and by a lot i mean every day and i knew i could count on them.
One day we went to a festival called "G-Fest" here in Iasi. I had a lot of fun and this is where this story starts...
That day i met two guys one that was really nice with me and another one who was really mean. After all this "G-Fest" me and my friends decided to go to a restaurant to talk and hang out a little more we were at a table, everybody ordered something and I decided to go to the bathroom just to discover before all of this ended that when i was at the bathroom one of the guys i met today was gossiping about me with another guy.
We hung out a few more times with those two guys and the one that was mean and gossiped about me apologized so i forgave him. I didn't realize I started to catch feelings for his friend and it was so confusing because i never felt that before and i didn't think I would like him because we ...........
have known eachother for a really short period of time. I started feeling bad but i still hung out with them trying to prove ....... myself that i was not in love with that guy.
Suddenly the guy that hated me became a really close person to me and i finally told him that I was in love with his friend and that I feel guilty about that and I don't know what to do. I talked with a lot of close friends in that period about what I should do and all of them advised me to follow my heart and tell him that i was in love with him so i told him just to discover he already knew i don't know from where (thanks friends) and of course he couldn't feel the same as me but he was ok with this...
We hung out with eachother a few more times and then i realized that even though he was ok with me being in love with him he couldn't give me the affection that i wanted so i started to feel really bad being around him and i took a decision (maybe a bad decision but we all make bad choices) i started avoiding him for a long time.
Soon i found out he was talking stupid things about a really close friend of mine so  called him just to understand what was in his head (just kidding i just wanted to fight with him and show him i don't have feelings for him anymore) and it all ended with him telling me how many mistakes I made when we were friends and what a horrible person I was  and of course i hung up on him and started crying, thank God i was with my really close friends and they were there to support me as they always are.
That was the end of our "relationship" if i can call that a relationship and right now i realise i was such a fool falling in love with the wrong person. I should be more careful and stop caring about stupid people and stop falling in love with the first person that jumps in my way. I hope someone can learn or realate to this story.

Last edited by BlueMoon03 (2019-01-26 00:52:18)



Hey!I think everybody has experienced a toxic relationship(whether it's a romantic one like yours or a friendship) and I'm happy that you adressed it because you can make others learn from your mistakes.I'm happy that you got out of that bad situation because it was only hurting you.I can see that you learned a lot from it.We are all fools here,we all make mistakes so you shouldn't feel too bad for the choices you made.At least now you know that you deserve somoene who treats you well and I am sure you will find someome who is worthy.The way you discribed everything is very good and you should continue writing not just for homework.Wish you the best!



Well...after all that things that have happened to you I think that it was kind of hard to get over it. You need to remember that all the bad things happened for a reason and they also come in your life to test you and make you stronger and stronger. In the future you will know how to proceed in similar cases and if you have your friends by your side is all that matters. An  advice I could give is to be confident and believe in yourself because people come and go but you need to think positive and be proud for how you are.


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