Let me introduce you to Jack. When he was little, he loved football. It was his favourite sport. He was num......er 3. He knew all the teams and all the players, he had posters and books and alot of balls. Jack was practicing every day and this port really occupy....... his time. But he didn't care because he wanted to be a great player and he wanted to be in the most amazing team so anybody could recognize him. After a while, his parents have forbidden him to play football because Jack didn't care about school anymore. He had some important exames and he did not learn anything. Jack laerned and he was hoping that his parents will let him play football but he was wrong because his parents wanted him to work in the medicine field. Hardly he accepted. Now he is all grown up and have 2 kids. Jack promised that he would let his children do whatever they want with their life. He told them that is a waste of time doing something you hate.

ai multe propozitii scurte si seci care ar trebui unite, legate. in plus, e foarte scurt, deci trebuie sa mai adaugi detalii, mai ales in punctul culminant, de tensiune maxima. La final, explica ce a gandit si a simtit fiecare

Last edited by teacherovi (2018-11-28 13:41:11)