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You are here » Teacherovi's English Forum » Unusual » you changed your opinion about something

you changed your opinion about something

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you  changed your opinion about something

   I think that one of the most important things in life is to grow,to get out of your comfort zone and to learn how to be mature. You eventually need to grow out of the person you are today, you need to change your opinion about things and evolve. Because change is good and we need to accept it.
   I used to be very immature, I used to be so careless and i used to think that life has no reason. I used to be sad and miserable and used to lay in bed all day. But something has changed over the years. I have found hope,love and support  and I have grown out of that sad person.
    So yes, I have changed my opinion about life. And I admit that it has taken a lot of time,but I`m glad I have done it.
    I have learned how to appreciate life as it is, how to show affection to the people I care about, how to be thankful for what I have. I learned that you should live life to its fullest: you should make mistakes, to learn, to cry, to laugh, to mess up and to live. I learned that you should always do what makes YOU happy because at the end of the day, it’s only you. You are the most important person in your life and you should always put yourself first.
    I am definitely not perfect, I’m still a child, I still have a lot to work on and I will constantly change my opinions about and my views about life. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Last edited by sleepykkk (2019-01-25 03:56:52)



Hey! I'm so proud of you that you found self love and all that stuff. You should also try to do more things that are scaring you, because once that terrific experience is passed, a new you is left. A new you who will be seeing every single thing differently and who will be learning to also appreciate much more life than you already do. Most people can't leave that "phase" where you're feeling depressed and you just want to lay in bed all day long. It's amazing that you did, that's one of the goals that you completely achieved. Congrats! Wish you the best!

Last edited by username (2018-10-10 18:45:39)



I think you touched a really sensitive subject especially at this age. We are all having a bit or a lot of insecurities so it's really good that you found the strenght in you to accept youreself just the way you are because that is really important. Life is too short to worry about how other people look at us we have to be pround of the way we are because we are Gods creation and God makes no mistakes.



I really enjoyed your text! I like that you choose to write about that you changed your opinion about life and things in general,things and problems faced by the world. I am really happy for you because now you changed your opinion in a good way and by your text maybe you help others, who think like you thought in the past.Your text includes very good and helpful tips and while I was reading it I realised I should focus more on important things that make me happy and forget about what other person think.



I think that the subject you chose surely is touchy, yet you managed to express your feelings about life and change in a free, yet opinionated manner. I really like the way you presented your feelings so honestly about such a grave and untouched topic. Actually, I related to what you said in this piece of work and think that your opinions are really well presented. I appreciate that you mentioned the fact that beyond its necessity, change is, in fact a hard thing to do.



Well , everyone will change his opinion about life . When we are young we see the life in other way , not how is it in reality . When we are young we don't think about what will happen next day , we think that the life is full of happiness and we don't konw that our life can change in just one minute. When we are young we just want to grow up faster , to be mature because we don't like that we have to do what others want and that we have to go to school . And ,  when we have finally grown up , SURPRISE,  the life is not how you thougt  and we want just to be kids again . That's a huge mistake. We should never want to grow up faster ,because the life is hard ,not how we see it when we are kids.


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