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You are here » Teacherovi's English Forum » Unusual » Dear diary,

Dear diary,

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I finally go home. I haven't been since to Christmas and thist is Easter vacation. After 4 hours on the way we arrived  in Galati where I spend the rest of the day with my familiy . Something very strange happened  in the evening. Someone started banging very hard at the door and we started to  panic  because we did not wait for guests. Until we thought we'd call for 112, break the door. Many people disguised  in rabbits have begun to enter in my house amd throw us all over with chocolate eggs. Than we realized that it was a Easter joke and we calmed down. The rabbits stayed at dinner with us and they were friends with  me and my sister.
      Parents also felt good , but after dinner they did not hesitate to tell the rabbits that they had to pay us the broken door.  They accepted and said happy holiday .
     This was a very strange happening from home!



The second semester
I really like this happening, Miruna !! You have an amazing imagination and  have shown intelligence, as has happened in other times! I like in fact that you have not started leaving the homework until the last 24 hours before a deadline :))) Your composition is made in the spirit of the Easter and you know it defines your offhandedness and your special spirit!

Last edited by carnation (2018-04-05 09:57:46)



-Guilt or shame -

Dear diary,

Today was a special day for me as well as my younger cousin, Georgiana. I participated in her festivity of second class finally . How nice, is it not ? She played the bee role in the sketch. She was angry  because she did not get the main role of the princess.
Before going to the festivity, I took  some pictures of her in the flower garden of her yard. She wanted to take a picture while she was smelling a red flower. Without remarking it, the little girl was stung by a bee. Oh my God !!!!!! What a terrifying moment !!!!!
   Her parents were very upset and immediately tried to fix the situation. They applied her a compress with cold water for 10 minutes, then they removed it and repeated the whole process.
There was something extremely unpredictable at the festivity. Unfortunately, when my cousin had to say her role,she began to cry because of the bee's bite. The wound was not diminished in the meantime and things got worse. Immediately the teacher came in the show and tried to mask what was actually going on. However, it was a great sketch.
Finally, my cousin felt guilty and alike ashamed because of the situation. But what else to say? This is life, I learned from here that not all things happen all right and that any overcoming of the unfavorable situation leads us to other good things and we definitely like them.

Last edited by carnation (2018-06-13 00:18:30)



-About your sense of pride-

Dear diary,

      I sincerely think that today I will not write to you what I have been doing lately, but to meditate on a theme that anyone of us knows - Pride. I will not complicate  through grave quotes or some overestimated techniques to talk about this subject, but only to impart to you my own feelings and experiences.
        I think it's good to be proud of everything you are, everything you do and everything that surrounds you, but to a certain extent, let's say a little . That's the way I procedeed. I am happy that I am an accomplished pupil  and that I have achieved my great goals so far, that every time I try to do my best  in the universe I am in and that a beautiful world surrounds me that I have created (more explicitly, I decorate my room with posters or motivational quotes, I bring back the smile on everyone's lips, both to my parents and to my friends).
    Even then form master teacher  told us at a certain time to be proud of and what we manage to achieve through our specific powers and will.
     But exaggerated pride has negative consequences. First of all, to our own inner being. We become too arrogant and too conceited, we are able to ignite the flame of exaltation and frenzy that burns our simplicity, naturalness and consummation. Then, the people around do not see us anymore from the right external angles and every time there is the mask of pride.
    This is my opinion of pride! There is no time to say more  .. but is there imagination in what I said, my dear diary ?

Last edited by carnation (2018-06-12 23:12:22)



- You feel grateful / About your gratitude

  Dear diary,

   I think today I will again meditate on a subject  - Gratitude. I think most of my gratitude goes to God. Everything comes from the sacred ones, as Alain Gheerbrant and Jean Chevalier said , the authors of a remarkable symbolic dictionary. Without the help of God, who could have helped me in the most tense moments that have decided what I am at this time? From Him all things have gone forth  and all things are directed toward Him.
    Then the parents, the whole family, the friends, the exceptional teachers I met crossing the path of my becoming ... all of them must to  congratulate themselves for what they maked for me and because they had been close to me when I was feeling away from world. I congratulate all of you and I am extremely grateful for all that you have given me! I think without them I would have been like a pale shining of ether that wants to be  a star or the sun. If I had not been supported by these people in my life I would surely have been lost in time and would not have benefited from real affective relationships that have shaped my personality and a positive round attitude towards the universe I am evolving in.
    Oh, I thank God for everything he has given me in life and because I can say that I am grateful to all the people who have been together with me !

Last edited by carnation (2018-06-13 00:20:36)


You are here » Teacherovi's English Forum » Unusual » Dear diary,