Every day we see, that discrepancies between poor and reach grow. We see poorer people, who, because of the will, became personalities. We see reach and famous people, but without "luck in life".
There is a proverb that says "reacher's children the devil puts his hand in their head", and that it's right, because most of them are significantly spoiled. Instead, the poorer people, but with more dignity, understand the life, fight with problems and defeat them, and in this mode grow children of "low birth". This conception mad me to find, that it is not significantly, if you are poor or reach because your value is in your heritage, your work. Important is to be all yours, and if someone gave to you a thing, keep and improve it. I'm not a spoiled child, and this is good for me. That had I learned from family. Normal, it could be a lot of things which could break the poorer people from reacher, but who works to overcome his/her condition , it means that he/she is a great people, who realised something in this life.
That's my opinion about the difference between poorer or reacher people.
Last edited by M I T I C A (2018-01-25 19:57:22)