Dear diary,
Today I finally decided to go outside and do some exercise, because I was so bored of staying in bed all day. Even though I didn’t feel like going because of what happened last week, but you cannot live in fear all your life. So, I decided to take my bike for a ride.
I did not know where I was going, I was just riding to nowhere and listening to music. After a while I realized that I don’t know where I am and I started to panic, but in the same time I put my mind to work to find a solution out of this problem. I decided to turn my bicycle and try to retrace my steps. After a few hours I found my way back home.
Happy that I got out fine from that situation I did not saw what was to come. A pack of dogs right in front of me and because I did not slow down they started to follow me barking. I was so scared that I started to paddle faster and faster. A person that lived in the area comes out on the street and when he saw what was happening started to call out the dogs and I was very surprised when I saw that they were listening to him and going back happy to see him.
I escaped and I got home safe and sound. Today I learned that no matter wat happens in the end everything will be fine so I should not warry so much on stupid thoughs.