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You are here » Teacherovi's English Forum » Unusual » Poor or rich? Does it matter?

Poor or rich? Does it matter?

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It doesn't matter.
Why would it?
So they can give you some expensive gift on your birthday?
No, actually, no. This is some minor thing, and it shouldn't count as valuable as someone's soul and kindness.
Those are what matters.
If someone can be good, kind, careful, caring, and can show you and give you all the love you deserve, the money is not what counts.
I think people should see this from the other perspective. Rich people can give you money, poor people can not. That is truly the only difference. Because people who can give you support, love, undestanding, and can be a shoulder to cry on when you're down, those are the kind of people you need in your life, no matter if they're poor or rich. Keep this in mind, because it's a life saving fact. Surround yourself with people who care, and give love and happiness. Sure, money is nice. Money is reallt nice. But it's not the only thing that's nice. And nor is it the only thing that gets to deicde wether a person should stay in your life or not. That's messy.
People should love people, not use people, not profit out of people. Spread love!!



Oras din Ungaria, I think you are totally right. Money can only satisfy a small portion of what we need in this world, in our lives. The needs that we have are not exclusively material once. We need to hear this more often. Children need to be thought the very things you mentioned in your post. WE need to be thought. Our parents need to be thought that love is above all. You are a beautiful soul. Hope you hear that enough.



You're right! Never should we choose our friends the way they look or how much money they have in their wallet. People judge very quickly after appearances. That's a bad thing !! We could find a good friend even if he is poor or rich.Money shouldn't count between friends ..



I like the way you put accent on such an important problem that humanity forgets nowadays. I totally agree with you, money does not matter when
the people around you care about you, give you love and a shoulder to cry on.  Keep going, spread this message, only togheter we can make the world a better place!



Indeed! I really like how you approached the problem. Your arguments succeed in highlighting the true value of people who love and support us because the most important is the human soul.



You are right. There are things in this world that we can't buy. We can't pay money for staying alive or keeping us and our relatives happy. Also, an important thing which supports this idea is that it doesn't matter how much we have, but how much we give. And the most admirable people are those who have a little, but give all they have. They understand that all returns and the material things have no importance for them, their souls are rich.



I like your thinking. You marked clearly the real difference between poor and rich people. Also, the beginnig of your text is very good. You're honest and you hitted the nail on the head. Keep it up!



You are perfectly right! Doesn't  matter! The character of a man isn't  known by the financial situation, but by the way in which he behaves in society. I think no one should be judged for how much money he has.


You are here » Teacherovi's English Forum » Unusual » Poor or rich? Does it matter?