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You are here » Teacherovi's English Forum » Unusual » Dear diary

Dear diary

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School started again. I didn’t do any of my homework on time and now I have literally too much to do in one night. I don’t know with which one to start and how to finish with them as soon as possible. Even if I have 3 weeks of holiday I feel exhausted and I need like 2 days of sleep. I can’t wait till I will finish with all of my exams and I will be free for 3 mouths.  I would spoke to you more, but I really have to finish with my homework today, that is the deadline for all the assignments. I will write to you soon.



Although the school started, unfortunately, I suggest you start your homework.  There are many homework ...Infernal .... Of course ,you will not finish them in time. I understand perfectly about your holiday, and I find myself in the same situation; so many books, so many homework, so little time. Successful exams !


You are here » Teacherovi's English Forum » Unusual » Dear diary