Young Romanians hardly know for sure what politics is or what it includes. As a matter of fact, no one has motivated or encouraged them to get acquainted with this world of the activities associated with the governance of a country. But should they passionately and actively follow the political life of their country or should they pay no attention, focusing on other issues instead?
On the one hand, politics can be explained to everyone willing to understand it. Demanding as it may seem, youngsters can and will be able to understand most of what politics deals with. The only complication is that there is quite a lot of information to take in, so they would need patience, a virtue which many lack. For example, they would need to get to know the ministries, the ministers, their scope, the constitution, the government representatives. But the information can be gradually taken in. Moreover, politics is everywhere. For example, one student needs to know their rights as well as their obligations. These can be found in the legal status of pupils which is decided by the Minister of Education. It is by actively following the political life of their country that they will know when and where there are changes to this legal status.
On the second hand, students and pupils don't have a lot of spare time. They don't necessarily need to understand politics to recognize their duties and privileges alike, because it will take up a lot of time which they don't usually have. Every year, their main teacher will read them the legal status, and if needed any other time, it can be found online, this way, they will have enough time to focus on education, or whatever is more important. Furthermore, a lot of politics don't influence or affect them yet. For example, the fact that one government representative is being replaced will not influence them soon.
In the end, politics is a way of involvement. It is not as scary as students and pupils see it, but it takes a lot of unnecessary time.