Abortion has always been quite a sensible topic for many people. While some believe that the father has a saying in the final decision of keeping the child or not, others think that only the mother should be able to make this choice. This essay takes a look at both sides of the argument.

On the one hand, making it mandatory to have the father’s consent for an abortion has its benefits. First of all, both parents have equal rights regarding the future of the unborn[practic ai folosit concluzia drept premisa - argument ciclic] child, therefore not only the mother, but the father as well should have a saying in the matter.  Philosopher George W. Harris has stated that women aborting their child without the father’s approval is morally wrong because it be harmful, denying the right to become a  partner. In some cases, the husband is the one that dedicates himself to the family and in the case of the wife becoming pregnant and deciding to not keep the child, the partner has no saying at all. There are also cases when a woman has a relationship as part of a strategy to hurt a man, misleading him into conceiving a child only to turn to abortion in the end. Moreover, in most countries, fathers have no right to veto or override a mother’s decision,  making the law extreme. Although the woman has control over her own body, as both parents have a moral duty to provide support for their children and both genders have equal human rights, the father’s opinion should not be left unacknowledged.

On the other hand, allowing abortion only with father’s consent has its disadvantages. In the case of a pregnancy, the mother and the father are not in the same position to make a decision about keeping the child or not due to the fact that the woman has to consider her own body as well. While the father can only consider his and the child’s future, the mother has to go t......rough a painful process of delivering the child which she might not be ready for.  A basic human right is that anyone can decide matters that involve their own body. Therefore, the father can have an opinion but no way to interfere with the mother’s decision.  Furthermore, in ........ 21st century, forced pregnancies still occur, especially in countries like Syria or Saudi Arabia where ........ father’s consent is mandatory as well. If this would become an international law, chances are that the problem would spread all across the globe, putting women’s lives in danger.

In conclusion, abortion only with father’s consent has both its benefits and disadvantages, the father having a right as a parent to have a saying in the final decision just as the mother should have complete control over her own body.

Last edited by teacherovi (2020-03-01 09:22:21)