From the beginning of time, boys and girls were treated differently. This has been an issue for many people, while others think that this distinction is a good way of making society work. ...................[pune on intrebare retorica]
On one hand, many females see this difference society makes between the two genders like being inferior to males. Because from a little age they are taught to do very different tasks, in a very different envoirment and a very different way. in the same way, boys feel like it's a lot of pressure on them to be the taugh ones, can't espress emotions and many more because these actions are at....ributed to females only, so they should keep themselves contained. This generation works for breaking these stereotypes, as well as promoting feminism as a social move. This whole generation is fighting for equality, for rights and for breaking barriers.
On the other hand, there is not only a physical but ............ psychological difference between men and women, so it makes sense for them to influence the way genders are raised differently, and until maturity they are seen in the society as different.  Men and women appear to have different ways to encode memories, sense emotions, recognize faces, solve certain problems, and make decisions. Since the brain controls cognition and behaviors, these gender-related functional differences may be associated with the gender-specific structure of the brain. And absolutely everything in life is influenced by our brain. One example of physical deffernce that explains many of the stereotypes associated with men is that men are, in general, more muscular than women. Women are just over half as strong as men in their upper bodies, and about two-thirds as strong in their lower bodies.
In conclusion, It's best to find the right amount of changes that can be made, and to make them con......ciously taking into consideration all of the unchange......ble facts that come with gender.

Last edited by teacherovi (2019-12-11 09:32:55)