The responsibility of online posting is a very important one, because on a wide - wider platform like the Internet, once a data is loaded, it becomes public. People's opinions on this subject are various, some of them say there is no danger in online posting and that the Internet only brings benefits, and others say that the responsibility is one of the assumption, is one of the risks.
I believe that as long as we don't make public information with personal character, details of our lives, there can be no such dangers.
Firstly, I think that safety in the online environment depends on what we post, how much information about us we make public, and so on.
Secondly, we should be sure before we postponed that publication of certain information about us will not be able to harm us, that others will not be able to use them to harm us.
It requires a very big responsibility when we post something online and we need to take care.

nu acesta era subiectul - ai inteles gresit

Last edited by Miruna :) (2019-12-15 17:26:55)