As a child, I used to idolize the friendly police officers that would protect the innocents and catch out the bad guys. Thats why my friend Tod had become a police officer in the first place. He wanted to be every kids superhero and as flashy as possible. I would have giggled at the memory, if it weren't the fact that ........ Tod that I knew was gone.
  It all happen....d so fast that I couldn't g......asp the reality of the situation until it was too late. I didn't need him to tell me lies; i saw it at the news! Officers shooting children , arrestion without a case, beating the innocent , planting false evidence and the list continues. What happened to the friendly neighborhood police officer ? What happened with the superhero that he wished he will become ? He became a monster ! ........ Happened to me as well. We we're at Thanks Giving dinner and from nowhere, ....... SWAT team came through the windows ; everybody was scared, after the breaking, completely silence for couple of minutes, then, I heard Tod telling me : "you are under arrest of being accused of gun using".
  I was pretty sure at the moment I didn't used a gun in my entire life, sometimes I was with Tod at airsoft and stuff, but no, I haven't used any of those.
  From that moment my friendship with Tod was gone, for real.

-Tod's disapointment of what he became;
-my disapointment of what Tod become and he has done to me;

Last edited by teacherovi (2019-10-30 17:56:52)