Human rights are the basic rights and freedoms that belong to every person in the world, from birth until death. They describe certain standards of human behaviour and are based on the principle of respect for the individual, ..........[ar trebui sa introduci alaptatul aici, inainte de intrebare] . Having said this, should women be required by law to cover up if they are breastfeeding in a public place like a cafe, a pool, a tram or a park?
          On the one hand, babies are humans as well, therefore they should have the same rights. All people are allowed to eat in public places, be they particularly....... arranged for eating (like a cafe, a restaurant, fast food areas) or not (like a pool, a park). The fact that infants' food requires milk from a woman's breast should not change anything, as in present times it is not considered as indecent as it used to be and also because it does not actually show the boob- the baby's head will safely cover it. Another cover will be useless and may also endanger the life of the baby. Furthermore, breast milk provides the ideal nutrition for infants as it contains antibodies that help them fight off viruses and bacteria. So this is why moms nowadays prefer this way of feeding them, rather than powdered infant formula.
          On the other hand, there are other ways more reasonable and adequate to feed starving babies without jeopardizing their health (the mom's health will never be affected in any way). One of them would be to use bottled milk- not the ones on the market, but breast-bottled milk. It is scientifically proven that pumping the breast milk of a woman involves no risks. Although this whole process takes a lot of time, it is worth it as it sorts out one of the most discussed and debated topics. [eroare de argumentare: da, sunt si alte posibilitati, dar tu trebuie sa ne spui de ce trebuie sa apelam la ele] because this way the woman doesn't need to show her boobs while feeding the baby.
          In conclusion, .....even though breastfeeding is the most recommended way of feeding enfants, women should also think of how doing so in public spaces will make others feel......[mai intai rezumatul] Every woman and mom should be allowed to choose whether she can afford to spend time pumping the milk or not.

Last edited by othellos78 (2019-10-18 16:53:12)