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You are here » Teacherovi's English Forum » Unusual » Internet access

Internet access

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The term internet comes from the artificial and partial combination of two English words: interconnected = interconnected and network = network. The Internet is the most used information and search platform today.It He is a basic help in the active man's life and has become indispensable. The impact it had on the development of humanity was an impressive one. ItsHis creation led to the expansion of the computer field and made several jobs invented. I consider it a very flexible and useful tool for humans, even if they don't work in the field of research or online. Internet access makes the world smaller and people can connect faster and much more easily......... easier. This The is my opinion for a number of reasons.
       Firstly, it offers the possibility of having instant access to information in all areas of life. This leads to a development of people's knowledge about lesser-known topics. Basically, the Internet is a door through which people can cross to reach a global market that comprises several small and medium-sized enterprises, which without its their contribution, would never have been able to reach customers worldwide. For example, by accessing the Internet, a more withdrawn society can be modernized and the education of the population in certain respects, such as health, culture or synchronization with other people. In addition, with this tool, people can find some fun, such as movies, videos, books, so-called audiobooks, music and more. For example, there are many movie sites or there is YouTube which has a huge variety of videos, plus there are sites with games and applications.[asta nu e despre accesul la informatie, muta mai jos]
        Secondly, people started to interact more on social networks. Thus they get to know people from countries on the other side of the world. For example, a person moving to another country can connect with their home through the online environment. In addition, with access to these social networks people can find more ads for different things, discount stores, job advertisement or competitions they can participate in or events, volunteer. Or they can even sell on the internet. In addition, with this tool, people can find some fun, such as movies, videos, books, so-called audiobooks, music and more. For example, there are many movie sites or there is YouTube which has a huge variety of videos, plus there are sites with games and applications.
        However, I am aware of the negative side of internet access, that is, no one can guarantee the safety correctness of the users. Unfortunately, there is a wide and varied range of malicious programs, created by malicious ones, which start with the (invisible) spying of a user's activity and end with breaches of personal space. These may result in the disclosure of personal data or action against the victim.
       In conclusion, the Internet is an aspect that has become commonplace today. It has a positive side that leads to the development of the connection between the people and the knowledge of the world, in addition it is one of the most used sources of information. And this is a way for the people to find new forms of entertainment. In the future, it will expand so that anyone can look for anything and have as many results as possible. There will be websites for any subject and domain. And this tool discussed will be a help in the development of society leading to the improvement of education and the exchange of information.

Last edited by Notebook10 (2019-10-27 18:19:16)



Yes, the internet has become an important part in every human’s life. But unfortunately you forgot to mention the fact that even people in poverty somehow still manage to get a phone and get on the internet. I believe that now this whole online world has turned into an obsession. Either way, nice essay!


You are here » Teacherovi's English Forum » Unusual » Internet access