If women should cover up while breastfeeding in public is a very debatable subject. Some people consider that female breasts are oversexualized in wester.... culture, that it's an unending cycle of perpetual breast shaming that does not really have a valid explanation rooted in plain logic and that women have the right to feed their child whenever or wherever the need arrises. But there are people who don't have the same opinion regarding the subject and think of it as a disturbing thing to witness while drinking or eating. Also it is  considered by them that there is a place and time for everything which is why feeding centres exist.
On one hand, the primary function of the breast is to feed children. Firstly no one can control when their baby needs feeding, and it might be incovenient for mothers to have to hide or make the baby wait for his food. Health professionals, doctors, and public health officials promote breastfeeding to improve infant’s health. It is good not only for kids but mothers as well. Furthermore, women might be stressed if they have to make the baby wait and they have to rush everytime to find a place fitted for feeding, leading to stress that causes milk reduction.
On the other hand, while public health advocates prioritise breastfeeding because of its importance to health, as with all health behaviours, decisions concerning infant feeding are made within a whole of life context. Social disapproval of public breastfeeding is attributed to the sexualisation of the breast. Breasts have dual functions in Western contexts: as a body part that is sexually attractive and involved in sexual activity but that also provides milk and nurture to children.
People thought, might start to feel uncomfortable noticing other people's private bodyparts, and feel that it is better to find a discrete place to feed your child, as the image can affect other people, and women, and people in general should be considerate. More so, if there is the option to pump breast milk in bottles.
Finally, breastfeeding in public is considered acceptable by the vast majority of people, while for others, there are limitations and acceptable social norms that dictate how and when breastfeeding in public should take place. .......[]your own speculation or interpretation

Last edited by teacherovi (2019-10-07 22:23:48)