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You are here » Teacherovi's English Forum » Everyday stuff » Movies vs video games

Movies vs video games

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In recent years, movies and videogames have been fighting for the title of Best Recreational Activity and there is an ongoing argument about which of the two is more compelling. However, putting attractiveness aside, which one is more beneficial in terms of personal development?
On one hand, movies have a somewhat sophisticated meaning and express relatable emotions. Ever since the moving pictures were first presented, their goal has been to send a message to the viewers: about relationships, change or just everyday life. They try to offer guidance, broaden horizons, show the less known sides of society. Well-rounded characters, portrayed by talented actors contribute to this through the feelings they manage to convey. Moreover, good films make people question certain elements of their lives, which leads to a better understanding of one's surroundings and even innovation if the ideas explored in the movie are transformed into their real-life counterparts.
On the other hand, video games promote involvement and improve problem-solving skills. Games, story or level-based, give players a sense of control over their own evolution and encourage them to take initiative, as their actions play an important part in their development and are shown to have immediate consequences. Furthermore, winning in such an activity requires perseverance, intuitive thinking and fast decision-making, useful abilities that can be acquired through frequent gaming.
All things considered, it is hard to determine whether movies or video games are more beneficial because each of them has advantages in their own right: meaning and emotion, and necessary skills, respectively [rezuma prin cuvinte cheie din topic sentence]. Regardless, the forever changing preferences of people and the improvements brought to both departments might soon show which one is superior.

Last edited by Cristina.without.h (2019-10-31 20:19:32)



I think that movies are better especially because they can’t become as addictive as games. Movies can be educative and you can learn from movies faster instead of reading thousands of books. You can also learn a foreign language from movies and get used to hearing it. It can also help your photographic memory as there are many scenes


You are here » Teacherovi's English Forum » Everyday stuff » Movies vs video games