The advent of gene editing and other similar scientific breakthroughs has given rise to new opportunities in health care and the promotion of human welfare in general, challenging old assumptions about what is acceptable or moral. One such development is human cloning, causing conservatives and liberals to argue about its adequacy, its advantages and disadvantages.
On one hand, human cloning experiments have their downsides. Admittedly, humanity would never have succeeded in reaching any of its previous scientific achievements without taking risks. However, those who took the challenges knew everything about the risks and accepted them, while experimental human cloning is entirely different. The subjects in the cloning experiments do not get to choose if they are going to take risks, we make the decision on their behalf. When flaws and failures turn up later, we cannot point out the voluntary agreement of the individual to accept the risks and to quit the experiment when, in the individual’s judgment, the risks become too high. Therefore, the experimentation of human cloning is unethical and does not respect the universal standard for human experimentation.
On the other hand, human cloning entails significant opportunities. With this possible new method, the imagination can run wild with the possibilities that cloning humans for reproductive purposes provides. Human cloning can allow infertile couples or even single persons to reproduce offsprings that are biologically related to them. For instance, a couple’s child dies in a horrific accident and they no longer are able to conceive a child. Would it be unethical of them to clone the child? Indeed, the parents cannot bring their deceased child back to life, but even if they understand that, is there a problem with them wanting another child to replace the one they have lost. Human cloning is, therefore, reproduction and the possibilities that come with it are limitless.
All things considered, with the ethical dilemmas that human cloning pose and with all the possible advantages it can bring, it is hard to tell if such experimentation should be prohibited or not. However, I believe that, for now, it may be wisest for human cloning to remain prohibited.
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