In the past few years a lot of women were shamed for breastfeeding in public. And this happens because a woman`s body is very sexualized by today`s society. This action is very beneficial for the mother-child relation and obviously a mother`s natural milk is better than the one you buy from the store.[muta in paragraful urmator - nu trebuie sa ai argumente de nicio parte in introducere; pune aici intrenarea: cum e mai bine?]
    On one hand, breastfeeding is something absolutely normal, just a mom feeding her child. If the baby is crying and the mother`s only way to calm him/her down is giving her some milk and they have no place to do that away from the people`s eye, they are forced to do it in public. Most mothers are prepared for something like this carrying around a little blanket to cover up. If they don`t have that usually the father stays in front to try to cover as much as he can. Some places have some special rooms where mothers can go and feed their children in peace. The educated people should not look,even if the process is covered up or not, and leave some intimacy.
    On the other hand, because not a lot of people know how to behave in these kind of situations, mothers are forced to[zi ca ar trebui] breastfeed somewhere hidden. A woman`s body is very sexualized and even one inch of skin is said to be judged. Even if when one is brestfeeding not a lot of things are shown because the baby`s head covers everything everyone says it`s not ok[asta e de partea cealaltam, muta in paragraful de mai sus; in schimb, aici trebuie sa mai argumentezi despre cum sunt afectati ceilalti, privitorii].
    In conclusion, .......[ adauga si partea opusa: "while it may be uncomfortable or even regarded as obscene.."] breastfeeding in public is something very usual and the society needs to learn how to behave around mothers breastfeeding because it`s something absolutely normal.

Last edited by teacherovi (2019-10-05 22:47:55)