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You are here » Teacherovi's English Forum » Wonderful » describe a former teacher you liked

describe a former teacher you liked

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when I have to think about junior high school, the first teacher that crosses my mind is my former chemistry teacher. I think she's one of the cutest teachers I've ever met, even though she can be a brat spoilt sometimes. first of all, she's short and a little bit plump and loves wearing old fashioned clothes. her hair is grey and cut into a bob, [leaga propozitiile cumva] and I've never seen her hair looking....... otherwise. she likes wearing fancy, unusual, extravagant hats. her face shape is between a circle and a square, and she..... has a tiny nose, red lips, and brown eyes. she doesn’t have wrinkles though. second of all, she has a healthy lifestyle she likes to share with her students. some of our classes were taken by her stories of how we should wear special boots when we go hiking on the mountains, or how she wakes up early every damn day and goes swimming and cycling at unirea, or how were the times in the communism. also, she used to give us 10 every December, and if there was a day in which we would had have to give 2 tests, she would go in the teacher's room and start fighting for our rights. or when we were feeling low, she would bring her book and read us a very cute story about a circle that was searching for its little part.
and yeah[in concluzie], In, conclusion, I respect her and i miss her as my teacher ........[muta aici respectul de mai jos, sa fie in prim plan ideea principala, nu exceptia] .......even though[deși] she was still a brat spoiltsometimes, ....... for example........[ca, de exemplu]  when she once had given gave a test in the first day after the spring break, that it's just cruel, or when she used to come in our classroom and take the speakers away from us!!
but still, i respect her and i miss her as my teacher

foloseste si majuscule, inclusiv la ”i”

Last edited by highbrowdaisy80 (2019-05-30 08:12:59)



You did a great job describing your teacher's physical traits and fashion style, but you could have developed on her personality and behavior more. Also, it wasn't very clear why you liked her. Was it because of her advice, or the good grades you got, or the fact that she defended your rights? All of them, maybe. Personally, I would have liked it if it were stated more clearly. Other than that, it was a good composition. Keep it up!


You are here » Teacherovi's English Forum » Wonderful » describe a former teacher you liked