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You are here » Teacherovi's English Forum » Unusual » Story of an injury

Story of an injury

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you know that feeling when you are walking through the woods, even though it is day time, with your friends and feel like you are followed by someone?me neither(hahahah a joke)of course we were very cautious .......[spune ziua, ocazia] and as we got ....... our way into the deep forest we suddenly heard some branches break apart.we all looked at each other and then screamed "run" .in this moment it was everybody by themselves so it means that if you got caught by some evil spirits or a serial killer you can just hope to die fast not hope that your friends might save you.as I said before I interrupted myself, we started running back the way we came in.the bad part in that "activity", because always it has to be a bad part, my foot slipped on a plastic bag or a soda can, I can t quite remember this detail but what I remember Is that I broke my ankle,( I didn t know for sure but my ankle hurted very bad..... and I just thought of that), in the middle of the woods.Fortunately my friends after they thought it was clear of ghosts and any other spirits or living animals like boars or any other living creatures, came to help me get up and carried me out of the forest because I was screaming in agony.also, when we got out they called an ambulance that arrived surprisingly fast and in 10 minutes I was at the hospital.of course my parents found out about the accident,  my mom was freaking out, my dad he was just listening to the doctor, and I was just worried that my parents could found out that I ...... went to the woods without their permission.the doctor confirmed that I had a broken ankle and said that they were keeping me for a week for blood tests and some other tests.
I lied to my parents about that accident, and they believed me because my friends confirmed the story in which I just slipped on some garbage in some random place in our neighbourhood and after one week I was able to go home.with a broken ankle but at least I was home.oh and my blood tests and those other tests were clean so no worries on that.not a nice experience at all. Screw that plastic bag or that soda can.

Incepe un paragraf nou cand se schimba locatia sau momentul.
Da spatiu dupa punct si incearca sa experimentezi cu majusculele la inceputul propozitiei.
Adauga detalii descriptive marunte.

Last edited by teacherovi (2019-02-26 20:49:09)



>it hurts to be hurted like this
otherwise yes you've sticked to the topic but it's obvious you didn't want to write this, because it doesn't seem like you put any passion into it
that's just me though i dont know shit


You are here » Teacherovi's English Forum » Unusual » Story of an injury