When I was young, so young that I barely even remember those times, I used to have friends. They were kind of forced to be friends with me since we lived in the same block of flats and I was almost always allowed to go out. So a lot of people used to hang out with me even if I wasn't that cool. I remember there was a girl who used to stay out until after it was dark. That seemed to me like a major coolness sign so I used to stay out with her until she went home.
One day she said it would've been pretty nice to have our own spot like place for us only to hang out. The park was pretty boring and pretty big so everyone saw it and it wasn't a big deal. We didn't have to look for long because there was a garden-like place right next to the park. We've never seen it before and that was a good thing. It meant no one would see us and that sounded so interesting at the time. The garden-like place was a small piece of unevenly displayed dirt enclosed by a small dirty fence. It was so unbelievably exciting for us when we found it. We never told anyone about it. We came there every evening to play with our dolls and other children games. We always got home with cuts on our legs because of the fence we had to jump to get there.
As we grew up the place grew less and less interesting which was a real shame as we both still have cherished memories from that spot.

Sometimes I pass through that garden-like playground and smile knowing I'll never play in there again.