It was completly dark, which is kind of hard to believe since it was only around 7 PM, but it was true. I was at the bus station, waiting for an envelope to arrive. I got there at 6PM sine I misunderstood when the envelope was supposed to arrive, so I spent the last hour there. I would have left, but I would have had to return literally after arriving home, since the bust was supposed to arrive at 6:45 PM, and making my way home would take around 20 minutes. I decided that it would be a better idea to buy a sandwich instead, ssince eating seems to make time go by that much faster.
The time for the bus to arrive came, but it was nowhere to be seen. I kept waiting for about 10 minutes, until I had enough and tried to call my dad to ask him how the bus looked, so as to make sure that I didn’t miss it by accident.
After he finally answered I found out that the bus that had been in front of me for 10 minutes was actually the one in which he had sent it. On one hand I felt angry that I have spent the last ten minutes waiting for nothing, but on the other hand I felt like laughing at how ridiculous the situation really was. Deciding on neither, I took a few deep breaths to calm down and thanked him. I took my envelope and left, feeling embarrased about the whole situation.
In conclusion, I should really pay more attention whenpeople talk about dates. I wouldn’t want another similar missunderstanding to happen, after all.

Last edited by Diana Banana (2018-12-03 16:22:38)