Can someone really tell what a good school is? Whether a kindergarten, primary and elementary school, or high school, at some point in our lives we all meet this place where we get an education.  Yet, does our school provide the things we actually need for a good experience during this process?

To begin with, it’s incontestable that this institution has its benefits. The most important advantage of being a student here is that it represents one of the best schools in Iasi, so we get to be taught by qualified teachers. An additional advantage could be the recreation places that it provides, such as the green garden, the outdoor benches and the playground for smaller pupils, in particular. As a result, we can keep fresh for the next classes and socialize more with other students.

On the other hand, there are also disadvantages with learning in this school. The main drawback is  represented by the fact that it doesn’t provide us last generation tools like new textbooks, projectors, white boards, computers that would be useful for a better experience. Another disadvantage is linked to the lack of hygienic objects needed in a toilet; for example toilet paper, soap, napkins and doors that you can close without continuously holding them.

To sum up, it seems to me that our school is an admirable institution where you can learn well, guided by well prepared teachers, but it still needs improvement in the direction of educative and hygienic materials.