One of my favorite characters in a TV series was Jax Teller, a boy raised in a motorcicle club.After his father's death, a founding Member of the club Jax becomes an important Member of the club, and he become the president of the club by the end of the series
He has a very important role in the future of the mc because would do your best that the club has to have only legal business
Jackson Teller is young and handsome. He has blue eyes and unkempt dirty blonde hair that is most often cut around his shoulders
Jax has multiple tattoos on his body the largest being the one on the back with the mc logo
Jax is extremely loyal to his Club, is an inborn leader, is an adept street fighter, usually opting to try and resolve conflicts before they must be settled by fists .He is smart, a headstrong and skilled tactician and businessman, is also a trained and skilled marksman, having been seen operating a multitude of firearms with deadly effect
At the end of the TV series he dies. He is loyal to the club, because he had killed another president of the club for no reason
He dies like  his father, when he was driving a motorcycle, was hit by a truck driven by the same driver