...............[e abrupt, nu stim despre ce vorbesti cand zici "it"]It is a unique way for raising a boy or a girl. None of them could be raised in the same way because all of us are different, but there are some values and principles which could be imposed to both of them and there are things which makes them different.
On the one hand, boys and girls should be raised in different ways because they .......... born with various skills which the other one could not have. For example, a boy has more physical strenght and he is taught to do the businesses which need more power compared to a girl who is gentle and delicate and who is taught to do things like knitting. Furthermore, a boy would like more to go fishing with his day and a girl to cook with her mother. Therefore, boys and girls .......... born with the feature to like specific things of the gender and their parents can not raise them forcing to like things they dislike.
On the other hand, it is a good idea to raise a boy and a girl in the same way to "kill" the stereotype that the women should stay at home raising the children, cleaning the house, washing the dishes and the laundry and the man should go to work for his family. Nowadays society thinks that it should be equality between a women and a man and this equality starts only from the childhood, when the children learn their skills. It is better to imposed ........ them the same values and principles ...........[cine?] to be equal because that is how the society should be, no one could feel superior or inferior.
In conclusion, boys and girl should be raised with the same teaching, but they should not be force........ to do things which does not match who they are.

Last edited by teacherovi (2019-12-11 09:55:30)