Everyone, even Romanians, has the opportunity to create an account on an online platform. Now, being within the reach of anyone to create such an account, we have no certainty that they are who they claim to be, having the freedom to use any false information.
      Firstly, this online freedom represents a danger not only to adults but also to children. Children are easier to influence, and most of them have accounts on online platforms, the media starting from eight to nine years old. Some parents do not realize what risks they assume once they let their child make their own decisions when it comes to the time spent on the internet;like for example, they can post too much information about themselves as well as the place where they live, and anyone can access this information and the things or the pictures they choose to post. Furthermore, they can get in touch with anyone and anytime, maybe they will start talking too much to that person who doesn't even know for sure who is it and who can hide behind that screen.
      Secondly, there are also adults who do not use online platforms in a good way for their safety. Even teenagers can represent a risk, but at their age, we can say that they can assume what they are doing and what they post. Some of them have very interesting and beautiful ideas and post things with the purpose of informing the world about certain things, events, that they might be interested in. Most teenagers can develop online, for example those ones who have a passion for photography can post on their profile their pictures, which a multitude of people will have access and maybe they will appreciate their work.
      In conclusion, we can say that the online platform is quite dangerous with many traps, but if you take care and keep some information private, you can discover interesting things, which may probably help you in the future, you will never know.