As people are becoming more and more aware of the labour done by chidren in industries in certain countries the question arises: should authorities ban the import of products from countries where child labour is not effectively banned? In this essay I will touch upon the issue specifically in especially regarding import to Romania of clothes from such sources.

...........[linker]On the one handTthe capitalist economy follows the rule of which says what is [u]wanted [/u]requested is sold,[pune punct ca sa separi topic sentence de restul paragrafului] tTherefore it's strongly believed that if the purchase of product.....imported from countries which don't ban child labour will stop then it would be only natural that the fabrication producing will also meet an end. With this being said, I believe that stopping the import of clothes from countrie which don't effectlively ban child labour[doar ai repetat in loc sa argumentezi] would help, even in the slightest, the issue of underage workers[].

...........[linker]On the other hand A stong argument in favour of the import is that it doesn't directly affect the situation. It may be seen as an innocent import between friendly countries considering the fabrication, the export as well as the import are all legal. Although, given the situation previously mentioned, it is clear that the import of such products is impactful enough.

In conclusion, even if it may seem like the damage done or the help given are irrelevant, given the capitalist industry active in this age, the encouragement of child labour should be strictly banned.

Last edited by not a fish (2019-12-08 20:49:38)