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You are here » Teacherovi's English Forum » Everyday stuff » How money was important

How money was important

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I know they always say that money shouldn’t be that important and it shouldn’t play a big role in your life but in critical situations you can’t get away without money.
That happened to me a while ago. I was so rushed to catch the bus and i didn’t have time to buy a ticket and the controllers caught me so they took me out of the bus and i was really panicking and even tho...... i explained to them that i should have caught the minibus that was on the hour, they did not let me go. I tried to cry in order not to pay that stupid fine and they kept threatening me that they would call the police to identify my home address. The situation was such a mess because i even started to cry but an idea popped into my head and i told them that i would give them half the fine if they let me go. They hardly agreed because we found out that we had common friends and in the and i caught that minibus.
So that’s why money is so important nowadays . You can get away with everything if you have money and you don’t have to worry about anything. Sometimes i think about how easy life is for reach people, ........... they can get whatever they want whenever they want. unlike me, because i am a very unlucky person.
Always remember kids, get your god damn ticket!

Last edited by teacherovi (2019-06-06 21:19:16)



This is a very sad true! All of the people says that money don't bring happiness, but without them you can't be very happy though. I'm glad you solved your problem with the controllers. Nice essay!!



I agree. Money is good as long as you don't make an obsession out of it. I wish we can solve the bribe problems in our country because in many of our hospitals, schools, universities and others it has become too common. I heard of a case where a doctor refused to help a man because he didn't give him money.


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