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You are here » Teacherovi's English Forum » Everyday stuff » injury of the day

injury of the day

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In 2015 on in summer holidays my family and our friends decided to go at a picnic.Me and my cousin ,Raluca, was were so excited and we start....... preparation...for that day in early morning.We was twelve and fourteen years old so we took with us dolls and things for them like nipples,clothes,baby diapers and pacifiers.Besides these we took blankets,small chairs and a trolley .
     My mother told us to take different things and we were on the point to leave until my dad doesn’t take his jacket and he put me to bring it for him.When I was returning I was stumbling by  .......... a big stone and I fell on foot. In that moment I screamed very loudly and my mother came to me .I hit my shins and I couldn’t move my leg .Dad carried me in his arms at home and when I saw too much blood I fainted and I woke up in bed with my mom near me and a headache.It was a terrible moment for me and for my mom because I  needed an operation but my mom knew what to do and I escaped easily.I stayed in bed for one week and I walked with crutches.
    It was a terrible moment but I passed well away!

Last edited by sweetday (2019-06-10 20:07:02)



I'm so sorry that this happened to you! I think is one of your worst memories, but the good part is that you got over it and now you're fine. Your essay is very goid and  I like it!


You are here » Teacherovi's English Forum » Everyday stuff » injury of the day