Material prosperity and spiritual fulfilment are important parts in the life of a man. A balance between thoseis two might potentialy bring you happines....... on this earth. So none of them is more important than the other and none should be overlooked – at least in theory.
Every day, though, out there, around 7 billion pleopes live out theire mundane lifes pursuing prosperity, fulfilment, happines – a well-paid job, a new car, a trip to some exotic island or peace, a quiet place, to see others happy. And also they seek balance into thoseis things, but they dont obtain it, because they desire some things most thaen others.
Prioritising material prosperity over spiritual fulfilment could be a good choice, but for a handfull of people. For example, you want to go hiking in different regions of the earth – that`s your dream, your spiritual fulfilment –, but, in order to do that you need money. So you work harder and prioritise money making and, at the end, you will embark on the trip of your life, around the world, hiking and doing whatever you desire. Beside these people, though, there are those for whom material prosperity is spiritual fullfilment – the „Hagi Tudose” kind of people that want „piles of money” for themselves.
Also, some chose spiritual fulfilment over the material part. Thereis are the kind of people that can be monks, dervishes or just simple people who want to enjoy life as best as they can with as little as they have at their disposal.
To concludeSo, neitheror material prosperity over spiritual fulfilment, nor spiritual fulfilment over material prosperity, because you chose the one that (............ .............. is better if it ............ not) fits your wishes and plans. One is good for some, the another for others – it.... depends on what do you think needs... to be prioritised.

Last edited by Thomasic (2019-05-31 10:50:40)