When it comes to physical appearance, a very good question that we might not even know the answer to is: what is better? looking exceptionally attractive or having an average appearance? Maybe this question is especially hard since everyone might have their own answer. I personally find that there are plenty of advantages and disadvantages to both sides.
On the one hand, life might sometimes look better for people who are considered by most to be exceptionally attractive; they often come off as more likable; they are the ones who are approached more often than others, by both potential friends or significant others; they don't have to stress so much over how people will see their appearance, or on constantly thinking that they don't like how they look.
On the other hand, although for most of us the easy answer is ''I want to be as attractive as possible'', this might come with its own downsides.
If you are very attractive, there are plenty of people out there that might approach you in an aggressive way, by catcalling you; that is why, to exceptionally attractive people (and I think this only happens to girls), walking alone on the streets might sometimes not be so pleasant. Looking average comes with yet another stress off your mind: you don't ever have to worry about the fact that some people might spend time with you just because of the way you look. Average looking people know for a fact that they are truly appreciated for their personality, and not for the way they look.
In conclusion, maybe it is easier to be exceptionally good-looking, but I personally think that having an average appearance is considerably better.

Last edited by Rhaenys.10AC (2019-06-07 22:18:31)