All the people on this planet are different. Some may be good at many things and others not so much, but this aspect has never stopped two people from becoming friends with each other. But, in a friendship, there comes a time when we do realise we are either better or worse than the person next to us. The ones that are worse than us usually don’t speak about it, but what do we do when we are actually the better one?

On the one hand, I think being the better person comes with a lot of silence. Many times we need to hide our successes in order not to upset the one that’s failing, or to not make them feel inferior in any way. Kindness comes first when we deal with someone’s failures or simply things they are not too good at: ”you will do better next time!”, ”maybe it’s just bad luck, next time!” and a weird smile with it. This is called ignorance, and it may sound good to keep the friendship alive, but it doesn’t look good considering our friend’s future or the kind of friend we are to them.

On the other hand, a friendship is based on being truthful with the other person. Maybe we shouldn’t always only motivate our friends, but also point out what they could actually do better or improve about themselves. The consequences of this action depend from person to person: if they wanna evolve, they will listen and thank you for the advice, but if they are stubborn or even envious of you, they might want to walk away from you. Either way, it’s our duty to tell our friends what they do wrong, in a nice way, and be by their side to help them when they take a wrong turn.

In conclusion, pointing out our friends’ failings isn’t always the best way to act, but it seems to be the most true thing we can do for the person we care about because ignoring them comes with no development and improvement is what friends are for. We should be gentle with them when talking about this, and point out things in a constructive way, which requires a special kind of talent but it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t do it. Our friends are worth the truth, so we had better help them before the world knocks them out for their mistakes.

Last edited by the.true.foka (2019-06-03 13:20:51)