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You are here » Teacherovi's English Forum » Wonderful » My best friend

My best friend

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I love my best friend! He is a person I admire very much because he always strives for all things to go well and for everyone to be content.
  His time is very difficult to manage, being very restricted due to all the things he has to do. He has been professionally dancing since the age of seven, and now he is 16 years old. Besides the fact that dance takes a very long time because he has to train almost every day, he also has to study for school, his parents having great expectations from him. For example, last year, ha was a freshman in high school, and for him it was very hard from all points of view. The worst aspect was the fact that he had classes in the afternoon, thus losing the most important part of the day. In addition, after he finished classes at 8 o’clock, he had dance training, and thus arrived at home every evening at 11 o’clock. Being very tired and hungry, he went to sleep very late, and then, in the morning, after just a few hours of sleep, he started homework and studying. When he told me, I didn’t think it was so hard for him, but he was very, very stressed. I recently saw his schedule, ...... which he had marked and set all his activities every day, counting the days until the weekend and especially until holidays. It was only then that I realized he really had a breakdown and how mentally tired he was at that time. However, the dance results were in line with the effort, and at school he got the best grades. Although I knew he did very well in school, I was amazed at the news that he ....... won the first prize. But still, given that he always struggles with time, he managed to outrun all the others who had a less stressful life than his own.
  In conclusion, my friend is the best in the world! I admire him for everything he is and for everything he does. We always have fun together, he gives me the best advice, and he always makes time for me. I love him, I respect him and I admire him so much, that I never want to lose him.

Last edited by teacherovi (2018-05-30 18:19:21)



WOW your best friend is great!! I wish I had a friend like him to teach me how to dance! You're a luky person! I know that friendship is the most important thing in our lives and it's so important to have friends who care about you, and spend all your life with them, making memories and having good time.


You are here » Teacherovi's English Forum » Wonderful » My best friend